What to Expect Upon Arrival
All of our roses are own root roses that are grown out into two-gallon pots. When your roses arrive, depending on how many you order, you will receive a one plant, two plant, three plant, or a four plant box. Depending on the size of your order you may receive more than one box. Inside the box, the rose is wrapped in a cardboard sleeve to secure it and ensure that it does not bounce around during transit.
When you remove the rose from the sleeve, you will find that it is wrapped in a plastic bag. This is to help hold the dirt in place. Once that is removed, you will find moist newspaper. This is to help keep the rose hydrated during transit. Once that is removed, your rose is ready to plant! Please make sure to remove the pot from the dirt and root system before planting as the pots are not biodegradable. You can find more planting and care instructions for your roses here. Happy gardening!