
We ship from September to May. At checkout on our website, you may choose your desired delivery timeframe. This is a very important step! We do ask that you make sure the weather in your zone is suitable for receiving and plating your roses. We are in Texas and in December the weather can be anywhere from below freezing to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, but are extremely mild compared to the northern United States. We want you to have the best success possible with your roses and ask that you let us care for them over the winter and receive them at the time that you plan to plant. Please ensure that you are not experiencing freezing temperatures and the ground is not frozen when you plan to receive your rose.

Shipping Date by Zone

Zone 4 - End of May

Zones 5 - May

Zone 6 - April-May

Zones 7 - March-May

Zone 8-11 - September-May

As long as you are not experiencing freezing temperatures, imminent frost, and the ground is not frozen.

Want to know what to expect upon arrival? Click here.

More questions about when you should receive your rose?